WE SAW CARS!!!!! For Father's Day we "took Daddy" to go see a movie.
IT WAS SO CUTE!!! You have to know that I have married into a Nascar family. There were ALOT of inside Nascar jokes that you would not get if you aren't into racing - and I am sure I missed a bunch that my FIL would laugh himself silly over. We went to church and Cars then I let DH take off for a few hours and play with his RC cars, than he went out to dinner with HIS dad. Very nice. He came home really relaxed.
Jessica, I am going to get a passionvine tattoo across my back. They are weird and wonderful flowers beautiful and ugly but produce amazing fruit - just like my kids.
DH took Bug Boy to see Cars, they ended up leaving 1/2 way through. I just don't think he enjoys the movies, complains the whole time that it is too dark, too loud, the food smells bad, etc...
Get it when it comes out on DVD - I really reccomened it. There is a great lesson to it about greed and material things and doing the right thing.
We loved cars... got to see it at the drive in... which is always fun.
My parents paid for a cross on my lower back when I turned 30 a few months ago... I was informed by students later that those are called "tramp stamps"... I laugh everytime I think about it.
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