Saturday, July 29, 2006

I have made it so far - to 70+ houses, 2 in Australia, one in Scotland, another one in the UK, also Spain and Indonesia. Nevermind ALL OVER the US and I am not done yet! There are over 200 participants in the Bloggy Home Tour - and I am determined to visit them all!

Of course I am doing this while watching a "Good Eats" marathon -- I LOVE Alton Brown - he's like a mad scientist of the kitchen!

Back to snooping!!! I mean TOURING...


Carol said...

I'm truckin' through 'em myself. Can't believe how many houses I've visited in the past 24-ish hours! I haven't commented at all of them, but I've done a LOT!

PastormacsAnn said...

I'm with you too. Now it's a quest - to get through them all! Left comments on just about all of them.
At one point, I had looked at so many houses that it was a relief to take a break and do laundry! ;-)

I love the Food Network but I have to go to my brothers to watch it. Probably a good thing - i'd probably watch TV all day if I had it in my house.

Much Ado said...

Thanks for sharing pics of your home, how cute to see your son at the computer!