Tuesday, March 28, 2006


The SECOND I come downstairs to get on the 'puter...Mommy! Mommy - I have an owie, Mommy I don't like the shadows in my room... All this from Thing 2. She took a long LATE (read fell asleep at 5 and would NOT wake up until 7 and in one HECK of a mood), so now of course What am I thinking to try to put the darling to bed?? I. AM. SUCH. A. MEANIE.

And of course DH is "sick". sigh

I am gettin to know how to work this thing so bear with me...

And on top of it all -- my seedings are not doing well!!!! WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.....sigh


Domestic CEO said...

Yay, Heather! I think I'm the first one to comment - nice blog!!! :)

Heather said...
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Heather said...

Tee Hee -- that would be because you are the only one who knows where it is! LOL!!!!!